CSS Animation Weekly #138

Distorted image hover effects with SVG! Transitions in space! This week we're recovering from Paddy's day. Enjoy!


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


Some impressive examples of image distortion effects applied when hovering links

Ever wondered when an animation would work best vs a transition? This tutorial might help. Plus, space!


It's time to learn how to make your website really stand out. This course from Donovan Hutchinson will help guide you through creating all sorts of helpful, practical animations. Check it out!


Play around with the sliders to sew how this noise-based cube animation changes

Some people aren't so keen on parallax stuff I guess!

Hand-drawn style in this SVG animation example

Some more noise-based awesomeness! This time move your mouse around to see the waves adjust

I am confused why this koala's ears keep falling off

This is quite an epic 3D page reveal effect