CSS Animation Weekly #139 - Scrolly moley!

This week we're checking out some awesome (and useful) approaches for animating on scroll. From controlling amazing WebGL effects, to plugging into a handy JS script helper, and even discussing how we could approach a new CSS standard for scroll animations. As usual, lots of demos too. Enjoy!


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks

Combine scrolling with WebGL and you get some beautiful results! Check out this tutorial πŸ™Œ

This super-tiny JS script lets you attach animations to scroll to create some lovely effects πŸ›Ή

This proposal should be exciting for any of us building scroll-linked animations! It includes a proposed CSS-based approach and ideas for scroll based navigation shrinking, progress bars and more!

Jen Simmons asks - would you use this CSS-based scroll approach? Let her know what you think in this Twitter thread βœ¨


A quick question - have you tried and did you enjoy this course? If you did (or even didn't enjoy it), feel free to tweet me your thoughts! I'm really keen to understand how people got on with it πŸ€”


Loads of awesome examples of WebGL animations, creating using Phenomenon (do do de do do)

As the title says - pure CSS parallax scrolling. Use wisely!

A little illustrative example of scrolling content within a Div

A beautiful accordion hover effect