CSS Animation Weekly #154

This week we're creating staggered animations, using some lovely React animated icons, and splitting text using Splitting.js.

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks

Staggered animations can be tricky to set up - here's a guide to some ways of creating these list-enhancing transitions

These animated icons for React projects look super useful!

This looks like a very handy tool to keep bookmarked for when you want to split up some text and animate it!


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This manic ball would make a terrible buy-now button!

Lovely example of how variable fonts can be animated - also makes use of the awesome Splitting JS utility

These darkly glowing concentric globes are addictive

Lovely 3D work here from Jhey ✨

Lovely little kaleidoscope effect using Canvas!

Some interesting migraine-generating artwork with overlapping shapes

Vertical carousel that uses scrolling nicely (no jacking!) to flick through each card