CSS Animation Weekly #198

This week, the world's most reliable CSS animation newsletter brings you some cool morphing animations, responsive motion path animation, and we revisit an updated classic!

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


A useful deep-dive into how we can create morphing animations using clip-path

Some interesting ideas from Jhey on how we can make CSS motion path responsive

New and improved - my old article on creating clocks using CSS, HTML, SVG and a little JavaScript. Now with more up to date JavaScript and better example code


The best implementation of a smash-able Like button I've ever seen. Keep hitting it for subtle changes too!

This pure CSS logo is subtly but nicely animated

Lovely hover effect on these 3D social meedja buttons

A classic rebuilt using JavaScript

Some cool GSAP morphing SVG fun

This pure-HTML and CSS animated dog is very cute