CSS Animation Weekly #203

It's Monday! That means more animation-inspired awesomeness!

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


Check out some amazing examples of CSS animation created by the author of the cool new book, CSS Animation: De-animating the Undead. It looks like a lot of fun! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

New from Greensock - ScrollTrigger is a performant and easy way to trigger any sorts of actions or animations on scroll. Check it out!

In case you missed it in April, this article has some great advice on creating a cool interactive mouseover effect using Three.js


This is very cute and useful. Follow the bunny and take control of your breathing

As if a taco wasn't cheeky enough

Worth exploring how this works - a CSS-only carousel with animation

This is a nice gradient-filled blobby animation created with just CSS

Do a handspring! Cool animation though in fairness I've never seen quite such a buoyant hand spring before

A cool SVG effect transforms the envelope to a paper plane! Neat