CSS Animation Weekly #204

This week we're learning how to make the best burger ever, as well as checking out great folding and hover animations.

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


You've probably seen these animated burger menus in demos many times, but I think this is one of the best walkthroughs on how to actually create it yourself. Check it out

I hadn't heard of these fold-ins! See how the Mad Magazine effect can be created using CSS

Another great tutorial from Codrops, this time on how to achieve a motion hover effect on a background image grid

A useful walkthrough on how to make your own 3D animation using CSS


A rockin' GSAP demo here

An animated spin-the-wheel! Could be handy if you're stuck deciding where to eat tonight

Lovely use of bouncy timing functions in this animated menu including background colour animation

Back when I was a lad we had pages and they were called books! None of this spider web nonsense. Anyway, here's a hard-working printer animated with GSAP

Move your mouse around to animate this Fibonacci spiral effect

A good example of how to create path animations in GSAP