CSS Animation Weekly #214

A huge week for animation tutorials and inspiration!

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks

Articles and cool stuff

A guide to using GSAP for everything from splitting text, animating around cylinders, easing, masking and much more

Very cool (experimental) animations using triangles for image transitions with WebGL

This free 2D game editor looks friendly and powerful

Easy to implement, 3D typography for any website and every font


A practical guide to creating amazing CSS animation on the web - get up to 90% off with this link! (You might need to clear cookies if you don't see the discount)


No JavaScript makes this rotating 3D store all the more impressive!

An HTML and CSS only calculator that uses "eval" to calculate the result

A nice simple loading spinner with a glowing effect

Spooky shadow effect!

Lovely blur effect in this 3D rotating demo

It's the weekend somewhere! Cool shadow animation effect using CSS

This maze of broken mirrors is made using ThreeJS and some cool perspective tricks

That's all for this week! Remember to check out my course and start learning CSS animation today.