CSS Animation Weekly #235

It's all gone a bit GSAP this week! But be sure to check out the amazing Vue & HTML game too.

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks

The already amazing GSAP just got a really cool new feature, Flip. Based on the FLIP (First, Last, Invert, Play) animation technique it helps complex layouts smoothly animate. It looks amazingly powerful!

A great walkthrough of how to use Lottie to create some fun web animations


In case you missed it, here's a great showreel of inspiring work created in 2020 using GSAP


A neat game built with HTML and Vue! Hammer that space bar

Nice use of Gaussian blur in this animated SVG using CSS to move the blobs from one side to the other

Using CSS to animate curved shapes is tricky but this little demo using clip path shows how to animate a nice sphere

Lots of subtle hover effects bring this redesign to life

A large collection of fantastic web experiments and demos that were made in the past couple of weeks.