CSS Animation Weekly #258

This week we're exploring some React-based animation tricks! Lazy loading, hooks, and more.

♥️ Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


Loading dynamic-height images can be tricky and this set outs interesting approach to using Framer Motion to lazy-load images in React.

A helpful guide to managing UI updates to improve overall React performance

Another bold and striking effect from Codrops. Recreate the direction-aware marquee menu hover animation seen on the website of K72 made by Locomotive


On this site we’ve explored loads of big impressive animations. I thought it would be worth stepping back and looking at how small UI animations can add up, and introduce a handy React utility I made.


Nice use of "data-" properties to control the colours in this soap-bubbly UI

A neat hover effect that gives the text quotes a feeling of space

An unusual hover effect, where the image zooms and rotates. May make people a little ill in my opinion!

Amazingly realistic-looking paint simulation!