CSS Animation Weekly #28 - CSS Drawings, Hamburgers and Vue.js

Here's the latest CSS animation tutorials and inspiration from around the web. This week we're learning how to create amazing HTML and CSS artwork, animating our Vue.js and After Effects projects, and we add a new flavour to the old Hamburger menu. Enjoy!


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks 


A wonderfully written and thorough guide to create and animating drawings using only HTML and CSS - bookmark it! 🙌

Learning the front-end magic of Vue.js and want to know how to spice up your UI with animations? Sarah Drasner has it covered. 🔽

Air BnB does some great work in open source. Here they introduce their new tool for bringing After Effects animations to the web and native mobile.

A slick transition converts this Hamburger menu icon into a list of options. See how it's done in this tutorial. 🍔

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A great HTML and CSS trick to create 3D-style text without any JavaScript.

Loads of inspiration here on how to reward your visitors with an animation when they leave a rating 💫

Cool little hover animation on this CSS animated pile of envelopes 💌

A simple and cute animation showing a palette of col

Part of an amazing series of animated letters from Chris Gannon - an animated SVG letter 𝓓

Animation in the real world

Lovely subtle animations add polish to this conference website taking place in Bristol and Belfast this year.