CSS Animation Weekly #31 - CSS variables, transitionend, Search UI ideas

A mix of technical learning and gorgeous inspiration this week. Learn how CSS variables can help our transforms, the nuances of "transitionend" events, and be inspired.


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


A guide to creating a day/night keyframe animation. Created by a CSS Animation 101 student!

Ever struggled to understand the chains of transforms? Dan Wilson shows how we can use CSS variables to allow for more fine grained control.

Respond to the end of animations better with this JavaScript event.

Your current search approach feeling a bit old and boring? Try these cool ideas from Codrops.


Start your morning with some freshly built toasty SVG goodness. 🍞

3D cubes and transform combined into a slick wavy animation 🌊

Cute animation created using GSAP. Click the heart ♥️

Nicely built rainbow-background spinner, build using one element and a little bit of Sass math.

Nice little example of how a button can "pop up" using a little animation.

Animation in the real world

London based Fox Créateur is full of lovely animations and artwork.