CSS Animation Weekly #48 - Tools, tips and inspiration

This week... tools! We have some exciting animation tools, a neat scrolling framework, and even tool-tips for your enjoyment, along with loads of CSS animation inspiration.


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


This tool looks really promising. If you ever used tools like Flash back in the day, being able to animate using timelines was so useful. This tool aims to recreate that, but creates animations optimised for the browser.

Some fun from Codrops with tooltips. See how Anime.js and some clever use of SVG can make those tools tips pop.

A handy plug-and-play scroll animation library with 45 snappy animations to choose from.


Very smooth animation on these palms at night 🌴

Lovely text transitions on this demo from Sarah Drasner. 

A fun example of spinning text 🌀

Nice bit of a reveal animation on this logo treatment.

This is a happy bag of blood 🅰️

A relaxing scene created and animated with CSS 😎

Keeping the relaxing vibe, check out this lovely animated greeting card 🌁

Mind blowing example of CSS-only animation on this multi-coloured star 🌟