CSS Animation Weekly - Issue #25 - You spin me round round baby

One challenge in creating web animations is when animating curved paths and ellipses. This week we see a great approach using GSAP. While you're here, explore the future of the web, and be inspired by this week's amazing creations.


Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks


Nice step-by-step tutorial on creating elliptical animation using GSAP

What's ahead for the web in general - a great watch and even touches on animation!


Addictive and beautiful 3D island generator - try zooming and panning around your creations! 🏝

This is some gorgeous work. A working chess-clock inspired Pomodoro timer 🕰🕰

Awesome CSS-only animation in this alien-abduction inspired sequence 🚀

A very cute CSS/HTML animated astronaut floating in space 👩‍🚀

Lovely depth to this 3D spinning stars demo 💫

A 3D spinning Pink Floyd album 📦

Pulse anything by wrapping a parent div in a

Like something on the wall in a Ren and Stimpy cartoon, this pure HTML/CSS cat is very cute 😼

No JavaScript was used in this racing car demo 🚗