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An update on what I'm up to these days

Hi! Long time no email. This is Donovan at CSSAnimation.rocks. About this time last year I stopped sending out the weekly CSS Animation newsletter. Here’s an update.

Life, ah, gets in the way

Turns out, growing family and busy times at #dayjob can really get in the way of side projects. After 5 years writing a weekly newsletter, I wasn’t able to sustain it. I needed a break.

So I took a few months to focus and work out what I wanted to do next. At the same time though, Apple launched a new hilariously expensive device called the Vision Pro.

Excited about this, I decided to learn me some Swift, with the goal of maybe making something for this new platform.

New skills, new newsletter

Based on this new interest, I launched a little site called Vision.rodeo. It’s a dev blog covering technical tips and tricks on developing apps for the Vision platform.

The site includes a newsletter, and I’ve added two posts so far.

If you’re interested in the Vision Pro and developing for it, check out the posts on the site! Loads of stuff there already, and lots more in the pipeline.

Stay in touch

While I still enjoy developing for the web, I’m excited to be learning something new and hope some of you might want to join me over at vision.rodeo by signing up for the newsletter there.

Bye for now,
